Crawlspace Repair in Roanoke, Al.
Problem: Squeaky Floors, Cracks above doors.
Customer walked me through the home. Showing all the issues they had come across, such as the squeaky floors in living room and the kitchen. The homeowner also had cracks above doors in a couple rooms causing the doors to stick and be unusable. After inspection I determined this was caused from moisture in the Crawlspace as well as improper spacing of columns. The homeowner told me the reason they called for the inspection, is the had decided to stay at the home for a while longer and couldn’t take the doors sticking or squeakiness.
I presented the homeowner with a solution to take care of the moisture in the crawl with a full encapsulation. I also showed him how we could stabilize and potentially lift floors back to level to help with the doors in the bedrooms. He liked the idea of using a 20mil liner, and dehumidifier to take care of moisture in the crawl. He also really liked the look and specs of the Smartjacks with footers. All in all, the homeowner was excited to get this work done so they no longer have to worry about not using their closets, as well as squeaky floors.